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Saturday, November 23, 2013


Leighton has not always been known for taking the best pictures.
Just take these recent examples...


 Jon and I have tried to tell Leighton that she needs to smile for a camera and I guess when we have shown her how to smile.... Well, maybe we are over exaggerating just a smidge because this is the result...

Don’t get me wrong, I think Leighton has an awesome smile when she genuinely smiles but when she is faking it you can tell! Here are some candid natural smiles…

With school pictures fast approaching we talked about her smile every day and she got into the swing of a normal, natural, sweet smile…. Then picture day came and went.  Leighton’s teacher reassured me that my first born was totally into picture day and that she couldn’t wait to see the fabulous results.  Two weeks later, I show up to school to this peach of a picture…
And then this one…

Are you kidding me kid…. Seriously?  Well, don’t you worry Leighton… every one of your high school boyfriends will see this gem of a picture.  Thanks for the blackmail material youngin’!

Until Later...

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