So I have basically three weeks to go until baby
numero Dos’ Bday. I forgot how much this
last stretch sucks… I guess we have a way of forgetting so that we will do it
again… but man, it really does suck.
First off, I can’t sleep (pregnancy induced insomnia) and the nights
that I do sleep, I am up an average of four times to pee (even though I don’t
drink anything for hours leading up to bedtime). This baby is killing my insides slowly. It is hard to breath when I sit or bend down,
this heartburn might be the death of me,
I can’t eat a normal sized meal without feeling like this thing is going
to stretch my stomach and skin until it bursts, and I am getting a nice bruise
on my right rib cage where this little monster baby likes to give me love kicks
ALL DAY LONG. However, with all of my
complaining I can still sit up easily when getting out of bed, stand up easily
when sitting on the floor, workout, still touch my toes, and still walk up the
stairs without dying or being too out of breath.

This was last week...
This was a few days ago... its getting BIGGER!
This leads me to the point of this blog…. HOW DO
SHORT PEOPLE DO IT? I have so much extra
room for this baby to go in my body, but those slightly shorter ladies out
there sure don’t. I look at these women
waddling around with a stomach that sticks out further than they are tall and
my heart hurts for them… how do they do it?
How do they not run shuffle, to their doctors and demand to be
induced NOW? How are their feet not
giving out on them or let alone their skin?
Augh… it makes me feel super whiny when I make a funny noise when
sitting down or grown when standing up.
I constantly have to tell myself, “imagine being a foot shorter and
doing this, Hillary... imagine being your sister or sister-in-law’s height (short)
and carrying the baby of a 6’5” guy… stop your bitching you tall b-hole!” So to all my short friends (or short waisted
friends) out there who have had a baby or will in the future… you are all rockstars
and I am in awe of you because let me tell you right now… two times around this
block is enough for this tall girl to handle.
(Hopefully I don’t eat these words one day because they will taste like
heartburn and stretch marks!)
Until later…